Most Popular on Community Commons in 2023

On Community Commons, you can find thousands of curated tools, resources, data, and stories. Hundreds more are added each month. In 2023 alone, we added:

  • 2,492 new resources

  • 20 Community Commons originals

  • 25 new topics

  • 5 new libraries

  • 2 new learning journeys

  • A new channel focused on Maps and Data

  • Health Impact Assessment (a CC Space)

    Over the past year, we looked at the analytics to see what you—our users—were most interested in, and have rounded up some of the most popular content on Community Commons. A few key themes stood out. Users continue to seek out data tools to inform data-driven community change work, as well as measure well-being efforts and track progress. Resources supporting deep equity work and priority populations were also popular, as was content to support a holistic approach to community change work, like the Vital Conditions for Well-Being framework. This year, we launched learning journeys on public health foundations and Health in all Policies, and continued to expand our series of Health Equity Libraries on Community Commons, which provide knowledge management for large bodies of content surrounding priority populations and advancing equity.

    We offer a sincere thank you to the thousands of users who have visited Community Commons over the past year, as well as our staff, fellows, interns, contributors, partners, and clients. Your support and interest makes our work possible. Please reach out to us with any feedback or to inquire about becoming a CC Contributor at [email protected]. As always, you can suggest a resource here.

    Explore our most popular content from 2023 below!

    Top Spaces

    Screen capture of the PHERN homepage
    Public Health and Equity Resource Navigator
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Screen capture of Health Impact Assessment: A Community Commons Space webpage
    Health Impact Assessment: A Community Commons Space
    Resource - Data Bank/repository
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Screen capture of North Sound ACH Resource Library webpage
    North Sound ACH Resource Library
    Brought to you by Community Commons

    Top Channels and Libraries

    Photo of an Indigenous person holding a drum. Behind them is a scene of a lake and forested mountains.
    Indigenous Knowledge Library
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 08/04/2022
    Collage of images of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with teal, olive green, golden yellow, and burnt orange transparent overlays. Bold white text on charcoal background at the top reads
    BIPOC Health Equity Library
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 09/27/2022
    Collage of images of LGBTQ+ people with transparent overlays in progress pride flag colors. At the top, bold white text on a charcoal background reads
    LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 03/01/2022
    Bold letters
    Maps and Data
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Mapping and Data Tools Library
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Bold letters
    Priority Populations Channel
    Resource - Data Bank/repository
    Brought to you by Community Commons

    Top Community Commons Originals


    A collage of photos of people and community members, each with a different color overlay.
    An Introduction to Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 09/19/2023
    of photo of a person or persons split into six sections with coding or data overlays
    An Introduction to Data Equity
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons


    Illustration of six people standing side-by-side, each with a different color shirt (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) and their pronouns written across their chest.
    Beyond Inclusion: Pronoun Use for Health and Well-Being
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Collage of portraits from 100 Million Healthier Lives movement
    Engaging People with Lived Experience Toolkit
    Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
    Brought to you by 100MHL
    Image of a mural depicting George Floyd. A blue banner in the top right corner reads
    Trend Bending Policies for Advancing Racial Justice Part 1: Ending Police Violence
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Colorful compilation of photos of Black people
    Centering Black Voices
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Photo of author's mother, Debra Bond-Yancey: A smiling woman with shoulder-length gray hair leaning on an old green gate in front of green fir trees
    Reflecting on My Mom’s Death: Moving Toward A More Complex Understanding of Health, Disability, And Dying
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 03/28/2023
    Photo of mosaic handprints on a wall
    An Introduction to Health Equity
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons


    A photo of green ropes connected
    An Introduction to Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Change
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    A collage of four photos of community members engaging in dialogue.
    Dialogue as a Process for Community Change
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Cincinnati Mural Wall. Photo by Stacy Wegley
    An Introduction to Stewardship
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons

    Staff Picks

    Photo of a person with long, dark hair seated and speaking into a microphone to a group of people.
    An Introduction to Advocacy as a Change Strategy for Nonprofits
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 09/29/2023
    Staff Pick!
    State postage stamps on a blue background. White text reads
    Our Favorite State Data Tools
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Photo of a college student staffing a food pantry. An orange banner reads 'College Campus Food Insecurity Part 2'.
    Innovative Initiatives on College Campuses Addressing Food Insecurity
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Collage of activists protesting for trans rights
    Taking Action for Trans Rights: Our Favorite Tools, Resources, and Data
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Staff Pick!
    Photo of a protest sign that reads
    Taking Action to End Gun Violence: Our Top Tools, Resources, Stories, and Data
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    In Solidarity with Maui: Taking Action for Wildfire Response, Recovery, and Prevention
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Published on 08/24/2023

    Trending Topics for 2023

    Top Resources and Tools

    Home page of CARES Vulnerable Populations Footprint tool
    SparkMap Vulnerable Populations Footprint
    Tool - Data/mapping Tool
    Brought to you by CARES
    Home page of CARES Map Room
    CARES Map Room
    Tool - Data/mapping Tool
    Brought to you by CARES
    Purple States of America
    Resource - Map
    Screen grab of Hate Map
    Hate Map
    Tool - Data/mapping Tool
    Brought to you by SPLC
    Queering the Map
    Queering the Map
    Tool - Data/mapping Tool
    Brought to you by Queering the Map
    Screen shot of the homepage
    United States Segregation Map
    Tool - Data/mapping Tool
    Brought to you by Othering and Belonging Institute
    Screen grab of The $100 Race
    The $100 Race

    Learn More about Community Commons

    Photo of a row of lightbulbs with the one containing the year
    2022's Most Popular Content on Community Commons
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    iPhones and iPads surrounding the word #communitycommons
    Community Commons on Social Media
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Graphic of a newsletter with the text
    In Common Newsletter
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons
    Collage of images relating to healthy communities, well-being and equity
    About Community Commons
    Story - Original
    Brought to you by Community Commons