LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library

LGBTQ+ people belong everywhere. They deserve to live open, authentic lives without fear of discrimination, harassment, judgement, or violence. Despite decades of tireless advocacy, however, LGBTQ+ people still experience disproportionately worse health outcomes, endure ongoing discrimination, and are four times more likely to experience violence than their straight and cisgender peers. These disparities are often further compounded by isolation and a lack of access to appropriate primary and mental health care.

LGBTQ+ individuals who are Transgender, disabled, youth, and/or people of color are most impacted, with risk factors including:

    • 50% of transgender people have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime 
    • 53% of transgender people have been harassed in a public place like a bathroom
    • Transgender people are seven times more likely than cisgender people to experience violence from law enforcement
    • White transgender people are twice as likely to be unemployed due to discrimination, while transgender people of color are four times more likely
    • Ninety percent of transgender people have experienced harassment, mistreatment or discrimination in their workplaces
    • LGBTQ+ youth are over five times more likely to die by suicide than their heterosexual, cisgender peers

    A New Focus on Community Commons

    The LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library highlights dozens of newly-curated resources and stories to advance equitable health outcomes for queer and gender expansive individuals, and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.

    As we have worked to expand and center LGBTQ+ content on Community Commons, some key themes have emerged:

    1. Proper pronoun use as healthcare
    2. Shifting dialogue from centering inclusion to centering health outcomes
    3. Sourcing and leveraging accurate LGBTQ+ demographic data
    4. Centering intersectional perspectives, especially BIPOC voices
    5. Disproportionate impacts on LGBTQ+ children, youth, and college students
    6. COVID-19 as a magnifier, emphasizing existing strengths and disparities


    Get started with one of our introductory pieces above, or explore dozens of resources, datasets, maps, and stories--organized by resource type--below.

    Published Date
    Published By
    Community Commons



    Data bank/repository


    Journal article

    Topic - People

    Photo of a young person with black braids sitting on stairs. Their head is on their knees and their backpack is on the ground next to them.
    Youth Mental Health
    Topic - People
    Photo of a young person's hands holding a rainbow painted paper heart
    LGBTQ+ Youth
    Topic - People
    Collage of photos of diverse LGBTQ+ people
    LGBTQ+ People
    Topic - People

    Topic - Possibilities

    Photo of older adult speaking with nurse
    Cultural Humility and Competence
    Topic - Possibilities

    Topic - Quality of Life

    Photo of child looking at the camera. Orange banner reads
    Adverse Childhood Experiences
    Topic - Quality Of Life
    Photo of a pregnant parent with dark skin and curly natural hair smiling at their young child. A teal banner spanning the top of the image reads
    Reproductive Justice
    Topic - Quality Of Life
    Disk with male and female symbol on equal halves. Photo Tim Mossholder via Unsplash.
    Gender Pay Equity
    Topic - Quality Of Life
    A photo of various forms of contraceptives and birth control. An orange banner spanning the top of the image reads
    Sexual and Reproductive Health
    Topic - Quality Of Life



    Shutterstock image: LGBTQI Trauma and Internalized Shame
    LGBTQI Trauma and Internalized Shame
    Resource - Website/webpage
    Screenshot of webpage: Transgender Workplace Rights on Lambda Legal website
    Transgender Workplace Rights
    Resource - Website/webpage
    Screenshot of What is Gender Dysphoria?
    What is Gender Dysphoria?
    Resource - Website/webpage
