HSRProj Back to School Webinar: Using Data Visualization in Translating Your Research
This webinar was presented by AcademyHealth through the HSRProj program. This introductory seminar, developed with support from the National Library of Medicine, reviewed data visualization use in communicating research, different approaches, and best practices. Mad*Pow's Chris Hass reviewed key concepts in design thinking, techniques and approaches to data visualization, and resources for more information; AcademyHealth's Lauren Adams provided an overview of AcademyHealth's approaches to data visualization, including dissemination strategies; Lorin Bruckner of UNC Chapel Hill offered tools and techniques to approaching data visualization, with examples of data visualization in practice at UNC. The webinar was facilitated by AcademyHealth's Dr. Margo Edmunds, with opening remarks and introductions by Lisa Lang of the National Library of Medicine.