Bright Spot: Becoming A Responsible Teen (BART)
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash
This bright spot was originally published in the 100 Million Healthier Lives Change Library and is brought to you through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Detailed Description
Becoming A Responsible Teen (BART) is an HIV prevention curriculum primarily for African American adolescents age 14-18, in non-school, community-based settings. Teens learn to "spread the word" about HIV risks. The curriculum also includes topics and activities related to teen pregnancy prevention.
Expected Outcomes
After the curriculum, adolescents will be able to: State accurate information about HIV and AIDS, including means of transmission, prevention, and current community impact, clarify their own values about sexual decisions and pressures, demonstrate skills in correct condom use, assertive communication, refusal, information provision, self-management, problem-solving, and risk reduction.
Cost Details
As of July 2014, the cost of this intervention is as follows: $54.95 for BART manual, $143.99 for BART supplementary basic set, $239.99 for BART supplementary standard set, $374.99 for BART supplementary complete set. For the latest cost details, please contact the BART program directly.
Key Steps for Implementation
- Conduct an 8-session program in which participants meet once a week for 90-120 minutes for 8 weeks
- Separate girls and boys by gender when focusing on skill development
- Have two co-facilitators (one male and one female) facilitate the classes
- Select program leaders who are as similar to the youth as possible, have credibility with the youth, and are comfortable with discussing sexuality and demonstrating skills Implement in a non-school setting
- Train program leaders
- Develop safeguards for confidentiality
- Obtain parental consent and support
- Include 5-15 participants in each implementation group
- Secure a private meeting space for the implementation and make sure leaders are present at all times
- Participants should be between age 14-18
Two-day educator trainings are available on a fee-for-service basis from ETR Associates. Trainings are provided by request from a state or local education or health agency for groups of approximately 20-50 people. Costs vary depending on size of the group trained. There may also be a local trainer available who is qualified to provide Becoming A Responsible Teen trainings. For more training information, contact ETR Associate's Training Department at [email protected] or through the Training Request Form.
Types of Staff
Two co-facilitators, one male and one female. Educators should have credibility with youth, and be trained to implement the curriculum, and be comfortable discussing sexual topics.
Outcome Measures
- Increase in HIV/AIDS knowledge
- Skill improvement
- Delayed initiation of sexual intercourse
- Reduced frequency of sex
- Reduced incidence of unprotected sex
- Increased condom use
- Cessation of unprotected anal intercourse
Process Measures
- Number of students who attended each class
- Percentage of students who attended each class
- Completion of all activities during each session
- Were classes taught in sequence
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