Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexual and reproductive health refers to a state of physical, mental, and social well-being related to the reproductive system. It includes the right to healthy, safe, and pleasurable sexual relations, safe and appropriate health services, access to effective and affordable contraceptive methods, and access to support and services for unplanned pregnancy. Sexual and reproductive health is critical to overall health and well-being. Good sexual and reproductive health leads to healthy, fulfilling lives and reduces the risk of illness and disease.
Over 19 million U.S. women of reproductive age lack access to a health center that offers a full range of contraceptive methods, and 29% live in a state where access to abortion is unavailable or significantly restricted. One-third of women ages 18-25 have never received a gynecologic exam, which is one of the most important ways for women to receive preventative health screening and education. Contraceptive methods have advanced significantly since the 1800s; however, the accessibility of contraception and medical abortion have continued to be restricted. Despite the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion in the United States, abortion is now banned in 12 states and unavailable in 2. Black and Latina women are disproportionately affected, as they are more likely to experience unintended pregnancy and live in a state in which abortion is banned. Additionally, Black and Latina women are less likely to use an effective form of contraception and more likely to experience pressure from providers to use contraception when compared to white women.
Factors influencing sexual and reproductive health include accessibility of comprehensive, quality sexual education, accurate knowledge of the risks of unprotected sexual activity, and access to appropriate sexual health care. In the U.S., sexual and reproductive health status differs significantly depending on socioeconomic status, insurance coverage, geographic location, and education level.
Sexual and reproductive health is fundamental to overall health and well-being and communities' social and economic development. Ensuring access to safe abortion, effective contraception, STI screening, and family planning), which can significantly improve sexual and reproductive health. At the local level, communities can expand telehealth services, such as applications for contraceptive counseling, implement school-based interventions (e.g.on-site STI screening; contraception distribution), and foster cross-sectional partnerships among medical experts, schools, community leaders, and policymakers. These cross-sectional partnerships can improve sexual and reproductive health by identifying and addressing resource gaps in the community, developing policies to expand access to reproductive health services, and ensuring medical providers, including those in school settings, are trained to provide comprehensive sexual education.
Resources & Tools
Reasons for Rejecting Hormonal Contraception in Western Countries: A Systematic Review
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by Elsevier, Inc.
Inequity in US Abortion Rights and Access: The End of Roe is Deepening Existing Divides
Resource - Policy Brief
School-based Strategies to Support Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Resource - Website/webpage
Bright Spot: CLEAR: Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results!
Resource - Model Policy
Brought to you by 100MHL
Bright Spot: HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR)
Resource - Model Policy
Brought to you by 100MHL
Improving Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Systematic Review of Potential Interventions
Resource - Journal Article
Cultivating Vital Conditions For Perinatal Well-Being And A Sustained Commitment To Reproductive Justice
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by Health Affairs
How Should a Physician Respond to Discovering Her Patient Has Been Forcibly Sterilized?
Resource - Case Study
Brought to you by AMA
Financial Instability and Delays in Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Due to COVID-19
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Reproductive Justice: Voices Not Just Choices
Resource - Blog
Brought to you by University of Alabama at Birmingham
Building Partnerships to Support and Expand Youth Access to Reproductive Health Care
Resource - Website/webpage
The History of Tiered-Effectiveness Contraceptive Counseling and the Importance of Patient-Centered Family Planning Care
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by Elsevier, Inc.
How Can the Experiences of Black Women Living With HIV Inform Equitable and Respectful Reproductive Health Care Delivery?
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by AMA
Best Practices in HIV Reporting and Data Collection in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Resource - Guide/handbook
Decriminalizing Abortion: How Our Movements Can Organize in Solidarity With Each Other
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by HIP
Teen Pregnancy in New Mexico
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 03/01/2017
Sexual Assault And Harassment May Have Lasting Health Repercussions For Women
Story - Written
Brought to you by NPR
Taking Action for Reproductive Justice: Our Favorite Tools, Resources, and Data
Brought to you by Community Commons
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