Poverty Alleviation Collection

The US has seen income inequality is increasing to the largest gap in the past 50 years, and a big driver is medical expenses

After the ACA was enacted, hospital systems were tasked with looking harder at their responsibility to community health and the good they could do by shifting their mindset from on-demand clinical care to overall long-term prevention. Those early adopters, through impact investing and strong community partnership work, have paved the way for others.  

When hospital systems work within a community to make people healthier overall, this reduces the need for medical intervention --with its requisite bills-- and can help lift multiple generations out of a poverty cycle.

The Intersection Between Poverty and Medical Care

Paid Family Leave and Sick Days in the U.S.
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Published on 01/09/2018
Who Are the Uninsured?
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Published on 10/04/2017

Hospital Systems as Anchors for Impact Investing

Uplifting Stories of Community Improvement through Anchor Investing

Partnering with CDFIs: Catalysts for Sustainable Community Development
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When a Steady Paycheck Is Good Medicine
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Brought to you by NYT
Published on 10/10/2019
In Rhode Island, a Model for Upending Health Inequity
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