Meaningful Work and Wealth
Personal, family, and community wealth provides the means for healthy, secure lives. That includes good-paying, fulfilling jobs and careers, and financial security that extends across the life span. People’s lives and self-worth flourish when doing productive, rewarding work. The ability to accumulate adequate wealth shapes the living standards not only for individual families and communities, but for generations to come.
The United States is in the midst of the coronavirus crisis that has had a profound effect on the economy and individual work and wealth. No one can predict when the pandemic will end or what the economic picture will look like in the future. What is certain is that most families and communities, especially communities of color and low-income areas, have faced setbacks that could carry through for years, if not generations, to come.
There is hope, however, that new ways of working and thinking about work will spur the United States to look at different approaches to income equality and financial stability, and to make progress to combat and reverse the systemic racism that keeps whole groups of people from achieving economic equity.
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